Thursday, June 2, 2011


At my last annual performance review my boss made the observation that I need to proof read more. So did my lecturer when she marked my last essay. If I am going to be perfectly fair, I have had this comment on a fairly (read as very) large percentage of my essays over my academic career. Mostly it is because I am rushing. Usually because (for uni at least) I have left it to the last minute. Partly it is just being slack. A good percentage is because I genuinely read fast and I find it hard to force myself to read slowly and properly edit.

I have noticed I am doing the same with my blogging and it is annoying me. If I am going to write for an open audience I want to do it properly. No rushing. I don't want to have to keep editing posts because something doesn't make sense or I have made a stupid typo .... now just to see how I go!

On an unrelated note, and just to show I am not just sitting around thinking about blogging all day, I bought what I think may be an awesome dress for a wedding today! And I would also like to publicly note my grumpiness about how quickly children grow up.

PS I am now very paranoid about this post ... lol ... probably not that surprising!


Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful, thanks for popping over to my blog!
I can very much relate to this post. I read way too fast. In fact the other day I asked my husband if it was an illness or learning disablitiy, like dyslexia. I sometimes skip a line when I'm reading and I've started catching myself doing it lately.
Now I'M paranoid after reading this post! Hehe!
Yes kids grow to quickly and congrats on the dress!
Looking forward to gtting to know you lovely lady xxx

Catherine said...

Oh no! I didn't mean to make anyone else paranoid. Thanks for checking me out though :) Looking forward to reading lots more about you too :) xx