Thursday, June 2, 2011

Eight Random Facts

Oops. If you happen to be reading this from 'Blogs Tea & Me' I have managed to stuff up setting the link. Well it does find me, but I messed up the titling. Never mind! I will know better for next time .... or not. I will get there eventually!

Anyway ... my random facts

Strange book habits Not only do I love to read. I especially love to re-read. The fact in the last two weeks I have read fourish new books rather then re-reading books I already have is quite strange. I still buy new books. Well usually new-to-me second hand books but it can take me a while to read them. I need to be in the "zone".

Book collections I collect early 20th Century girls' school stories. Probably not so odd if I was 50ish, but apparently very unusual for someone at 30. I have been collecting them since I was about 7, but have only gone public about it recently. In all fairness, no-one has really thought it was that odd, but everyone knows I love books. Anyone who has been surprised has been less surprised when I remind them I have a history degree.

(A pre-WWII Boy Scout book I was super excited to find)

I hate vegetables A lot. To the point where I sometimes pretend to eat them to set a good example to the girls. I do eat salad, but I just hate them cooked. I do eat cooked vegies sometimes, but not as often as I should. Example: Two of my daughters get super excited if I cook broccoli. Unintentional reverse psychology! I am also pretty fussy about other things. My 12 year old eats most things. My 10.5 year old is fairly fussy (but I make her eat things. So does her father). My 8 year old is a vegetarian. She eats pretty much all vegies and most other stuff but doesn't eat meat for ethical reasons. Her own decision when she was about 4.

Other food related habits I hate my food touching on my plate. Example: with a roast, my meat can't touch my potatoes and vegies and vice versa. I don't think this is that strange. My ex-husband disagrees. If they touch I don't eat them. I am mostly ok with foods that are supposed to be mixed.

Paranoia Apparently I come across as being super confident. This is apparently a good lie. I check with a million people over what to wear before I go places. I check on appropriate presents. I really struggle to make the first move to speak to people. I am constantly worried I have said or done something to upset someone. I just work on the assumption people don't like me. This does make it a pleasant surprise when they do!! I don't think I am this paranoid naturally. I think it is a learned behaviour in reaction to stuff that has happened. Or it could just be that I am egocentric. An overactive imagination also means I can only watch certain tv shows and movies on my own. It also means I am careful about what I read. The risk of nightmares for weeks is often not worth it! I also am constantly making up stuff in my head. I have always done this. One of these days I will write some of it down.

Shoes I would rather not wear shoes. In my ideal world I would be barefoot all the time. I always have painted toenails and I always wear a toe-ring. Since I do have to wear shoes most of the time I love high heels. Not that I wear them all the time, but I do love them. This is something which I appear to have discovered later then most people.

Hobbies It sort of worries me I don't really have any. I feel like I am the certain person who should have hobbies but I don't! I read and collect books, but I am not convinced this counts! I also knit teddies and sometimes do cross-stitch. This makes me feel boring, but I don't actually think I am.

Motherhood Most days I still don't really feel like I am a mum. Please don't tell the children this. I have a 12 year old so you think I would be used it by now. I adore my children and I always wanted kids and I always wanted them young, but I never thought I would find them as amusing as I do.

Phobia I have a phobia of dead things. A real phobia. To the point that if I have to set a mouse trap my wonderful daughter deals with it for me. Or my ex-husband will come around for a night and sorts it out. It isn't just like I dislike them, if I see something dead it totally freaks me out. I can't breathe and sometimes I can't move. I blame a cat I had when I was little that loved me just a little too much.

Wow! That was harder then I thought it would be. It is now really quite late here and I am sure I will think of hundreds of more interesting things I could have written about tomorrow! But never mind. It was fun! You should give it a go :)


Anonymous said...

Oh I love this! You are a crack up!
I agree with the bare feet...I wsh I could walk around barefoot all the time.
The 'dead things' point is hilarious! What a great relationship with your ex that he would do that!
Thanks for linking up lovely lady xxx

Anonymous said...

I would rather walk around barefoot the whole time too! You so do have hobbies - reading is a hobbie as is knitting and cross-stich. I am visiting from Stacey's link up.

Catherine said...

Thanks for the comments peoples! Lots of excitement about the solidarity in barefootedness!

Jo, I think the reason they don't feel like hobbies is because the knitting is for a service project and the cross-stitch happens so rarely these days. But I think you are right! I should count them :) I need something to put in that section on my cv ;)