Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kids say the cutest things

The girls came home and had a fabulous time! Aimee in particular was very glad to see me. When she came to give me a cuddle last night she whispered to me that she always gets a little bit homesick when she sleeps away from me, not for home but for Mummy. We came to the conclusion that this was Mummy-sick and that it was ok, but that going away was still fun.

Erin came home and informed me in all seriousness that they had done things like brush their teeth, go to bed on time and remembered to say thank you to Nanna and Grandad. The first thing she did was tell me that they had said to say hello to me.

Reanna made me laugh though! Their Dad told me this one. She informed him that her sunglasses were better then his. He was highly indignant (he didn't tell me this, but I know what he is like) and pointed out his were real raybands and that hers were only copies. Reanna pointed out that hers were only $5 and his were over $100 and that hers looked just as good. Therefore the natural conclusion was that hers were better. Daddy was speechless. One day he will learn ;) And long may Reanna continue to think this way! At least until she is buying her own stuff!

I missed my babies and I am glad they are home :)


Me said...

thrift! what a rare and lovely trait in a girl! you sure are lucky! :)

Catherine said...

Very much so! She has just turned 12 so I hope it lasts ... and that she is a positive influence on her sisters (and her father!)