Saturday, January 28, 2012

Five seconds

Literally all that this post is going to be! But just wanted to say, I have read another book of the 100ish and therefore it is another tiny bit off my 101 challenge! If you are interested click here to read the review of 'Ice Station'.

I also forgot to say last time that I have Skype! So another thing crossed off the list. Well almost, I am still learning how to use it.

But today I have to run. I have a poledancing class to go to and I am running late. Thanks to blogging and the fact I spent the early hours of this morning painting. Are you impressed?! It is only 9am here :)

Have a fabulous day everyone!


Holly G said...

Oh, you're awesome! Pole-dancing sounds awesome and frightening all at once! lol

Me said...

You go pole dancing? Go, rockstar you!!!

Catherine said...

I used to go a few years ago and had to stop. Just worked out how I can manage to go again. Soooo much fun and is awesome exercise. Definitely recommend it!