Thursday, January 5, 2012

Grandma duties

I would like to begin by saying that I do not have any pets. I do not need any pets. I have three children and an ex-husband. I am pretty sure this is enough for any person. I am not against the idea in principal. I think they are great for kids and I think I would like one, one day when my nest is empty.

The girls however have a rabbit (Misty) and goldfish (assorted names). My ex has a budgie (Boris) who lives with me (short version of a long story, we used to babysit the budgie when the ex went away and one day he just moved in. The bird, not the ex. There was slightly more discussion before we moved in together).

I am very fond of the pets overall. It is nice coming home and finding Boris there being very excited to see us. Misty is very cute and I have always wanted goldfish. But they are not my responsibility. The girls do a great job of looking after them and I think I have posted before about them leaving notes for me to remind me what to do when they go away. This is fine! Grandma duties :)

We went away for a few days. I arranged for a friend to come and feed and water them and to play with the rabbit and talk to the bird. I even left him in front of the TV so he didn't get lonely. He didn't talk to us for about three days when we got home. Seriously. When we spoke to him he put his head under his wing (and I have never seen him do that before!) or would turn his back. For three days we all, me included, attempted to get him to speak to us. He did. Eventually. But not before I felt bad! Isn't mother-guilt bad enough? Now I have pet-Grandma guilt!

But wait ... there is more! Our rabbit may or may not be pregnant. Sadly through the girls being responsible pet owners and taking her for a play in the backyard. Unfortunately the next door neighbours rabbit was there too. My colleagues thought it was hysterically funny listening to me trying to work out what was going on when Erin called me at work (my little sister was babysitting by the way).

And in amongst all this, my ex is talking about buying a dog keep at our house. Hmmm ... my theory here is he can foot all the bills! But I have been broken into several times in the last couple of years so I am not actually totally against this. However I take pet owning seriously and this is a big call.

His latest plan is thinks the girls might like chooks. The might. But all I am saying is "I don't think so!!"

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