Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Literally. Yes that is right, chicken pox. Well so far it is only Reanna, but Aimee is desperately searching for spots. I think she may have found one. Erin is petrified that she will have to miss more school.

They have all had chicken pox before. Badly. Reanna was absolutely covered (she was only about six months old and I was still breastfeeding) and had it so badly her spots got infected. The other two got it at the same time a few years later. They got it quite badly too. I know they say you can only get it once, but every second person seems to have had it twice or at least had a close family member who has!

Fingers crossed please everyone that it will be mild! And that the others either won't get it at all or if they have to catch it keep your fingers crossed they all get it at once.

In other news. Uni has started. It is my last "big" semester (two core units). I have been a bit worried, but I think I am going to like both classes. My attitude needs improvement though. The thing I am most excited about is the excuse for chicken twisties once a week and hot chocolate! Sad, but true. You think I would be more mature at my age. Mmmm ... I do love chicken twisties though! Not actually with the hot chocolate, but my Monday night class goes for four hours so there is plenty of time for both! (I also think I am in denial about being so close to finishing but that is a random muse for another day).

Just to finish a post about not very much at all ... an Aimee quote for the day:

Aimee: Daddy, Daddy look at my horse shoe! Can you put it on the gate for good luck?
Daddy: Ok. Don't turn it upside down though. All the luck will run out.
Aimee: I already turned it upside down to see if all the luck would run out.
Daddy: Do you really think you can see luck?
Aimee: Oh. I don't spose so.

The horse shoe is now on the gate! This is all this morning pre-chicken pox. I wonder if this means I can blame Aimee for the infection? As she let all the luck go ..... hehe.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Sending good thoughts and hoping that it is a very, very mild case of chicken pox.

Good luck with uni! I'm sure you will do very well. :)

Catherine said...

Thanks Wendy :)