Friday, February 3, 2012

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

This post probably would have made more sense in early January, but I am claiming it as being one of the first few days of the New Year in the Chinese calendar, or reflection as I approach my birthday and enter a new year for me. Really you may justify it anyway you like! Or I guess, as this is my blog, it pretty much means I can waffle as much as I like (and that I am the only person to blame if you all stop following to me as clearly I just talk too much about nothing. I am like this in real life too).

But back to the point. After much consideration I have decided this year is going to be awesome. Why you may ask? Three simple reasons. First 'Twenty Twelve' is just simply much easier to say then 'Twenty Eleven'. I feel this bodes well.

Secondly, I just knew it was going to be a fabulous year once I found out it was the Chinese Year of the Dragon. (See? My opening paragraph did have some relevance) and I just love dragons. I don't know when or why this started but I actually have quite a nice little collection of them. It also makes it easy for people to get me presents when they have no other ideas!

The final, and most important, reason is I simply believe in self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe things are going to work out, in most cases they will. A lot of the time it is all about your perspective. Clearly not always, but a lot of the time it is.

If anyone is still reading, wishing you a very happy year of the Dragon (even if I am a few days too late!) and I hope 2012 is a year where you get to make some of your dreams come true!

PS Apologies to anyone who also follows the Two Mummy Duck blog. Halfway through writing this I couldn't out which blog this belonged on so decided to post it on both!

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