Saturday, February 4, 2012

Treasure Hunting

Today has felt a bit like one long treasure hunt. Not on purpose! Just the way it turned out. Firstly, we went to a Tupperware party. At this party I picked up the stuff I ordered from my party, including a mystery pack! Now I knew I was getting a mystery pack (I had ordered it after all) but it doesn't detract from the excitement from getting to open it and find out what I actually got. Treasure! Then we went to the shops. While I was in Big W looking for dishwashing liquid, I found Three Wise Monkey garden ornaments. I have been trying to find some for ages. I want to put them by the girls' banana trees. Treasure! After that we went to the museum. Particularly to see a collection that is on show in Perth from the British museum. Lots of amazing things that aren't normally on display here including actual pirate spoils. We also checked out some of the other parts of the museum and in the butterfly section realised that they have different insects painted on the wall. I don't know how many times we have seen this display and this is the first time we have seen them. Lots of treasure for us to find at the museum! The State Library is conveniently located next to the musuem. It has an awesome discard library bookshop with super cheap books. We all found some treasures here ;) And, as a follow up to yesterday, outside the library were banners declaring 2012 is the National Year of Reading (in Australia at least). So not only is this another thing proving that 2012 is going to be amazing, I am pretty sure such a discovery also counts in my treasure total for the day. A wonderful day with the three most important treasures I have. And filled with so many random exciting finds. I always knew I wanted to be a pirate when I grew up.

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