Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy :)

Just to share some random events that have made me smile this week:

- Erin was appointed an assistant student councillor (this is an unashamed mummy brag moment).
- Misty is now housed in what we like to call "Rabbit Castle". Her old hutch just made me sad. I am so, so happy to see her in a three-story home. It was also made for her out of old shelves we had so a great example of recycling too.
- Reanna commenting on her facebook page that she doesn't like spiders, but she likes flies even less so "go spiders". That is my baby-girl with the glass-half-full attitude!
- Reanna taking responsibility for sewing on her own ribbons etc on her pointe shoes and understanding why it is important for her to do it instead of just complaining.
- Weather that has been cool enough for doonas and cuddles and night.
- The girls' Grandad not only picked them up from school today he also cooked us all dinner! So lucky to have amazing in-laws who still help me out.
- Breakfast out with the ex and after 10 years he still sulks because the waitstaff always assumes our meals are the other way round (ie I got a big breakfast and a cappicino and he got a eggs hollandaise and peppermint tea. I would also like to point out he ate half my breakfast). He used to always make me order the latte because it is "girly" (even though I don't really like them) and sulks because they always put a straw in his bourban because they assume it is for me and the beer is his! It just makes me laugh. Mostly at him.
- We have new goldfish.
- It is not only the National Year of Reading (in Australis), the official launch is also on my birthady!

What has made you happy this week?!


Me said...

Oh my god thats a lot of things. well, this week i got a job which made me happy. but also sad coz now i wont have this much free time. so there. i am ms glass half empty.

A little piece of me.. said...

This, this makes me happy :)xxx