Friday, February 10, 2012

Loving life

"I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is".

I have done several of these types of posts recently, but this is a lovely linky that is too nice to not participate in (and I haven't for a while).

So this week I am loving:
1. Puggles! (aka baby echidnas) Because the name is beyond cute and because I have had friends remember this and tag me into facebook posts about them.

2. Toadstool stools. They make me smile every time I see them.

3. Audio books. They have made our travelling so much nicer.

4. My beautiful girls and how gracefully they are embracing all the changes that this year is giving them.

5. Making positive changes to my life (in case you have missed all my dancing posts!) and the wonderful people who are supporting me.

6. Drowning in so many new books that I don't know which one to read first.

7. Blogging. I missed it and I am so glad I am back.

What are you loving this week? You should check out the link and join in!

PS Argh! I still can't get the button to work, but you can join in here
PPS I really need to get better at the photo thing. It is on my list of things to do!
PPPS I have just realised that the new blogger has changed how I thought things were being formatted! Apologies for my last few posts being paragraphless. I will go back and fix this!

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