Thursday, February 23, 2012

Isn't It Ironic?

... that I am pretty sure one of the things I listed as an accomplishment recently was having a pay slip with no leave of any sort on it? (I am pretty sure it was on this blog).

... that I was thinking the other day how much I love polka dots? (Not so much at the moment. Give me a week or two).

... that I almost wish Aimee was just a little bit sicker? (Possibly because I am the world's worst mother. But she has soooooo much energy. She is driving her sisters nuts. Ok. And me a little bit. She is not cut out for dvd marathoning).

... that it took me longer to do an online shopping trip then it ever does in real life?

Ah, the things we think about when we are home sick.


Me said...

Why polka dots?

Catherine said...

After spending all week looking at spots :oP ... mine, the children's ... might just take me a few weeks to love them again!