Tuesday, May 24, 2011

*Whinge Alert*

I am sad and I am grumpy. I was all psyched up to post about something interesting. I hadn't exactly made up my mind about what that interesting thing was yet, but I am sure it was going to be great. However, now I have a cold. It is definitely not the flu, but it is making me miserable. I am pretty sure it is a man-cold. Partly because I am feeling yucky and I am very whingy, but mostly because I am pretty sure I caught it from a man. And he was defintely more whingy then anything else! I am even sadder, because I am studying for my exam next week and fuzzyheadness is not good for this. On the upside, work is quietish (so I can plod along), my exam isn't until next Tuesday (and after feeling awful for three days I think I am definitely on the mend) and Reanna is away (and I am missing her lots but it does mean there is less running around).

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