Sunday, May 29, 2011

And the week is over! Pretty much exactly as I am writing.

As I was still up studying (aka cramming. Yes I know I should have done more earlier and got a few good night's sleep before the exam, but you know how it is ....)

Note to self: Crying at the girls' school is on the list of things I have been banned from doing as a parent. * I am much, much better at tipping when I listen to the girls! Although it does concern me a little how good Reanna and Erin are. We will not be doing a family footy tipping competition any time soon! * Judging from the number of text messages I have received this morning, I think Reanna is worried I am going to miss her - or forget about her. * Today I am thankful for cold and flu tablets, a quiet day at work, back-up plans and text messages. * I am still Thankful for cold and flu tablets, a quiet day at work, back-up plans and text messages ... but now I am also thankful for Penny for starting a new Thankful group and for realising there was a bug in my drink before I started drinking it! * I ♥ rainbows, cushions, on-line shopping, super patient friends, my bed, creating happy childhood memories, my stripy purple witch socks, boots, wishing on stars, my bug mug and M&Ms. * This morning's wake-up greeting: "Mummy, will Reanna be on her morning walk now?". * The not-being-able-to-string-a-sentence-together effect may have an impact on numerous parts of my life. * Today I am Thankful for a job I love, the ability to be happy, microwaves, mobile phones, Daddy-dinners, friends who cook for me and long over due visits. * Argh! Enrolled for next semester. Still not exactly sure how I am going to work this one. * Curiouser and curiouser. * I am a little annoyed at Justin Beiber for tainting the phrase "never say never". * I am pretty sure if you catch a cold from a man that it makes it a man-cold. The whinging seems to be catching too. * Some things are nice ways to wake up, no matter what time of day or night. Some things are not nice ways to wake up, no matter what time of day or night. Some things it depends on the time. * I am hoping Reanna is having a fantabulous birthday even though she is spending it so, so far away from me! It is hard to believe this time 12 years ago I spent the day in labour ... today I am spending the day curled up in bed being sick and feeling sorry for myself. For some reason it just all feels a little ironic. * Aimee quote of the week: "It's Reanna's birthday today. This means we can get icecream without her!!!". * Today I am Thankful for cold and flu tablets, wonderful teachers, my beautiful daughters, clean drinking water, my couch and mobile phones. * There is nothing like long, drawn-out methods of torture. * I either just made a very, very good decision or a very, very bad one. * Reanna home from camp. Exhausted, but very happy!! She had a wonderful time and says thank you to everyone who sent her birthday messages. Currently she on the phone to someone she just spent a whole week with! It doesn't take long for things to return to normal :) * Apparently early mornings on weekends are all Aimee's fault. * ‎*sings* Freo, way to go (then mumbles the rest) * The girls' highlights of the day: icecream, a phone call from Daddy and the train ride home. Erin did also point out going to the football is fun regardless. My highlight: Erin in the second saying "I am not tipping Fremantle next week" in a "I am not angry, I am just very disappointed in you tone". Lesson of the day: How to be a gracious loser. And supporting your team regardless of the performance! * Fabulous 24 hours or so! So much fun, but now so very much tiredness. * Just to prove me wrong .... we all slept for 10.5 hours last night and Aimee was the last one awake this morning. * I think that I am going to spend all day (between studying obviously) facebook stalking Lela and liking all the pages she likes. Just a feeling I am getting based on the last hour ....... * Exam time (definition) when you realise you have somehow managed to not learn anything in the last three months. Although,in my case, I did learn that spies in the UK have their own union, the Ombudsman is a person and that the back of the chairs in the lecture theatre are really, really hard. * Today I am Thankful for getting a good night's sleep, a (comparatively) free and accessible education, Chef Reanna, post it notes, computers, cold and flu tablets, open book exams, children who can entertain themselves and the ability to multitask. * I am excited my next pyjama day will be for dvd watching and lounging on the couch purposes not for study purposes. * Changing my profile picture because Aimee was a little insulted that I had a picture of me and Reanna up rather then a picture of me and her. Diva baby much? * I probably should be Thankful that Boris is keeping me company while I am up studying, but funnily enough I am not! :oP

I am very much loving my picture of the week this week!

That is my darling baby asleep in a costume (made out of a box) at the end of a party. One of the things I will blog more about later!

I am sure I have said this before, but I update my status a lot! And sadly I am deliberately doing it less now I know I am uploading them here. It makes me smile though, and allegedly other people enjoy reading them. I can't see myself stopping any time soon ;)

PS So excited! Despite the time it says on the blog, I pushed the publish button at exactly midnight according to my computer clock. This wasn't actually deliberate but it made me happy. You know what they say .... small things amuse small minds :)

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