Monday, May 23, 2011

The week that was.

I like Nova a lot less after this morning's topic! * Tired panda eyes. * I fixed the car! I might just be a little proud of myself!!! * I have four girls who are sounding way too excited over 'MasterChef'. Is it really mean that I don't want a running commentary? * Teaching the girls pig-latin. I am sure this is a bad idea. Although Erin is very impressed about how good I am at it! * I wonder if "fluent in pig-latin" is something that should be on my cv? :oP * "Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." — Marilyn Monroe * I ♥ rain, napping, "new" books, cuddles, boots, having purple toe nails, Chinese food, blogs, musicals, camping and evenings just doing nothing. * Inside, outside, upside down! * Hump day over. * Thinking happy thoughts :) * "Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." -- Mary Kay Ash * Muffin with white chocolate + cappuccino = one happy me who is now slightly awake * Massively excited! Croissant Express is doing soup again :) * Argh!!! Last class ........ * It never really occurred to me the Ombudsman was a person. * And that cuddle and the "I love you Mummy" and the "I missed you" and the excitement to tell me everything about the last five hours makes it all worthwhile. * I could easily snooze the day away in five minute intervals.
* After Autumn's delayed start, Winter seems to have arrived early (just in case you missed the memo). * Contemplating who to go as to a hen's night with a movie theme :) * Sleeping in would be easier if it wasn't a subject of family debate. The debate being held in my bed, while I was trying to sleep. * I should be studying. I want to be in bed. I am going ice-skating. (I have a cold and I am pretty sure it is a man-cold and I am snuffly and whingey. Consider yourself warned!!!) * Girls are all getting super good at ice-skating! Only one major stack .... but you expect that. And my head seems a lot clearer. Yay!! * Lesson of the day: Do not deal with boiling water when topless. * Dear Head, The whole point of driving is that you *don't* wake up feeling horrible in the morning. As you seem to have forgotten this, kindly rectify the situation immediately. Thanks heaps,Cath * Reanna is packing, Erin is off visiting, Aimee is jigsawing, Misty is doing rabbit stuff, Boris is making a lot of noise and admiring himself in the mirror and I am studying and procrastinating. All is pretty normal really. * I am beginning to get a collection of microwave plates.

And this week's 'Picture of the Week' is ....

Ok it isn't a photo of mine, but I do love the quote and it was the inspiration for at least one status update!

Things I have learned about myself from looking at my status updates this week: If in doubt of something interesting to say, throw in a quote! Having a cold makes me whingy. I still need to cut down on the exclamation marks even though I am pretty sure I talk in exclamation marks in real life.

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