Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Right Royal Confession

It is the 21st century. I am 31 and I am Australian. These things really indicate I should be at least leaning towards republicanism, but I confess they do not. I wouldn't exactly say I was a "royal watcher". I almost never buy magazines, although I do read other people's and I do read any article on the web.

I managed to miss a lot of the pre-wedding hype for Prince William and Catherine, mostly I think because I was on holidays and not an the computer non-stop. However, to balance this out I hosted a princess party with one of my sisters, two of my girlfriends and a whole hoard of children. My sister and one friend very kindly feigned an interest. Lela and I dressed up and celebrated in style. This princess party was the final catalyst for another whole adventure of mine (and Lela's) that you can find on our other blog (Two Mummy Ducks - check out my profile to find it because I don't know how to add a link in yet!). We had party food, drank out of wine glasses, wore tiaras/facinators/hats as per individual taste and had a fabulous time. Have I mentioned yet how much the entourage and I love dress-up parties in general?

All this aside, I love the fairy-tale. I always have. I love that we witnessed history and I remember watching the wedding between Prince Andrew and Sarah when I was little. When I was about 10 I had a whole scrapbook filled with Royal clippings. I had read an article about a lady who had done it her entire life and I thought it was cool. Unfortunately someone found it and I was so embarrassed I put it in the bin. Realistically, I know the fairy-tale is an illusion but fantasy is fun.

My decision to support a Australia's remaining a constitutional is based a lot more then a romantic notion of the Royal family. It is based on a 'if it's not broken, don't mess with it' theory, the part of my that promised to not only serve my country, but also my Queen, my love of history and an honest admiration for how hard some members of the Royal family work. Clearly, times need to change in lots of ways, but I still think there should be a happy medium.

Above is some wedding memorabilia - the bouquet I carried as a bridesmaid for Lela's wedding, the tiara I wore at mine and the souvenir Royal Wedding edition of the Australian Women's Weekly (and the last time I bought a copy of this magazine I think was the souvenir year 2000 wedding!)

So until next time ... I am going to keep dreaming, keep believing in fairy-tales and, most importantly, I will be continuing to wish on stars.

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