Friday, February 24, 2012

Loving it .....

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.

Joining into with Paisley Jade and reflecting on all the things I am loving particularly this week

I love this link! All week it randomly pops into my head when I am particularly liking something. And it is just lovely. Much nicer then other random thoughts. Like jobs that need doing or bills that need paying.

So this week I am loving .....

*Cold pizza. As much as I love it hot, left overs the next day for breakfast is awesome.

*My bug mug. I have one here ... and one lives with a friend in Melbourne. I love that we can have coffee even though there is a continent between us!

*Mini-holidays. It was so good to get away. Writing in the sand, collecting treasures from the beach, reading, relaxing, time with family.

And some extra stuff I am loving while we are sick ....

*My couch aka the day bed. Filled with cushions and pillows and cuddles.

*Old T.V. shows. 'I Dream of Jeannie', 'The Smurfs' and '7th Heaven'. I love '7th Heaven'. When Reanna was a baby I used to make sure I was home every day at 1pm to watch it!

What are you loving this week?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Isn't It Ironic?

... that I am pretty sure one of the things I listed as an accomplishment recently was having a pay slip with no leave of any sort on it? (I am pretty sure it was on this blog).

... that I was thinking the other day how much I love polka dots? (Not so much at the moment. Give me a week or two).

... that I almost wish Aimee was just a little bit sicker? (Possibly because I am the world's worst mother. But she has soooooo much energy. She is driving her sisters nuts. Ok. And me a little bit. She is not cut out for dvd marathoning).

... that it took me longer to do an online shopping trip then it ever does in real life?

Ah, the things we think about when we are home sick.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Two days, two traditions

Yesterday, as I am sure everyone is aware was Shrove Tuesday. Our own family tradition of hotcakes at McDonald's was enthusiastically exchanged this year for pancakes at home. Monday night was the girls night to spend with their dad but he very kindly brought them home for breakfast and he cooked the pancakes! He isn't too keen on McDonald's hotcakes.

(I just managed to sneak a quick picture in before he started eating)

The chocolate icecream is particularly significant as I give up chocolate for Lent. I did enjoy finishing off all the chocolate in the house though. We all spent some time discussing the reason for abstaining from something for the lead up to Easter and what things the girls might like to give up if they wanted to join me this year. I don't think there were any firm conclusions.

I love traditions and I love celebrations. I love that the girls love them as much as me!

Today is Thinking Day. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world remember their sisters and take the time to reflect on what Guiding has done for them. I take the time to remember how lucky I am that hundreds of volunteers have made it possible for me  to have experienced 24 years of fun, friendship, adventure and challenges ... and how lucky I am to have been able to help offer those same experience to hundreds of other girls. Some years the girls have worn their Guide uniform to school. Or just their Promise the years that hasn't been allowed. I wear either my Promise badge or my World badge to work. It is also a time to reflect on the status of women and children not only in Australia, but around the world and to think about the part we can play in improving it.

Today however we didn't participate in any of our normal Thinking Day traditions. Today we have been at home being spotty. Well, three out of the four of us. That is right, I am spotty too. This is making me a little suspicious about the chicken pox diagnosis as all four of us have had it before and had it badly. But regardless, there is spots and there is itching. Luckily not much of either. So today we are celebrating Thinking Day with a Guiding spirit and trying to make the best out of it! DVD marathons, board games and some extra housework and study time for me! We will be at home for another few days at least.

Oh and we got sundaes from McDonald's to help cheer us up and I did remember to get caramel in place of my usual chocolate ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Literally. Yes that is right, chicken pox. Well so far it is only Reanna, but Aimee is desperately searching for spots. I think she may have found one. Erin is petrified that she will have to miss more school.

They have all had chicken pox before. Badly. Reanna was absolutely covered (she was only about six months old and I was still breastfeeding) and had it so badly her spots got infected. The other two got it at the same time a few years later. They got it quite badly too. I know they say you can only get it once, but every second person seems to have had it twice or at least had a close family member who has!

Fingers crossed please everyone that it will be mild! And that the others either won't get it at all or if they have to catch it keep your fingers crossed they all get it at once.

In other news. Uni has started. It is my last "big" semester (two core units). I have been a bit worried, but I think I am going to like both classes. My attitude needs improvement though. The thing I am most excited about is the excuse for chicken twisties once a week and hot chocolate! Sad, but true. You think I would be more mature at my age. Mmmm ... I do love chicken twisties though! Not actually with the hot chocolate, but my Monday night class goes for four hours so there is plenty of time for both! (I also think I am in denial about being so close to finishing but that is a random muse for another day).

Just to finish a post about not very much at all ... an Aimee quote for the day:

Aimee: Daddy, Daddy look at my horse shoe! Can you put it on the gate for good luck?
Daddy: Ok. Don't turn it upside down though. All the luck will run out.
Aimee: I already turned it upside down to see if all the luck would run out.
Daddy: Do you really think you can see luck?
Aimee: Oh. I don't spose so.

The horse shoe is now on the gate! This is all this morning pre-chicken pox. I wonder if this means I can blame Aimee for the infection? As she let all the luck go ..... hehe.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Randomness of randoms

So, we had an amazing weekend. We wrote in the sand and took some arty style pictures (well in my very unartistic opinion, but they look great when other people do them so I am hoping for the best). We collected shells. The girls got to spend some time with their great-grandparents and I know one day they will look back and realise how precious this time was and how lucky they were to have had it. I got to reflect on how lucky I am to have ex-in-laws who still make me feel so much of the family despite the stupidity of their grand-son for losing me! (hehe ... I am allowed to have a dig sometimes! I am sure this is ok). But this is not the post I am writing today. Hopefully tomorrow when I get the photos off my phone and onto the computer.

Today is a random post. And possibly one with a little too much information. Consider yourself warned!!! You can stop reading now if you want!

Ok ... we drove down late on Friday night. Left home just before 8pm and arrived at 11:30pm. I knew it was going to be a late one so had caffeine loaded all day. Needless to say there were several bathroom breaks on the way down.

At some awful hour(s) of the morning I wake up busting for the toilet. Of course I lay snuggled in bed half asleep hoping the feeling would just go away and I could go back to sleep without having to move. Then a thought hit me. I kid you not, my half asleep brain which is concentrating on willing the full-bladder to just disappear, has the following thought:

"I wonder how many hours of sleep I have wasted lying being half awake not getting up to go to the toilet when if I had have gotten up straight away I would have been back to sleep in no time".

Naturally that is slightly paraphrased. I don't remember the exact words, but that is pretty much it! Seriously?! WHY?! Then the next thought is:

"Oh. That would make a good blog post".

So, I just had to share. Firstly, because I do think it is a legitimate thought, but secondly because you all were my next thought and now you can think about it too. I am nice like that. Although I am a little skeptical in the light of day about how good a blog post it actually is, but I just can't not write it now.

Now I just need to learn balance my desire to not get out of bed with the desire for that extra few hours sleep. And perhaps not drink that much caffeine again.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Erin the practical

I know! Two posts in a day. There is a reason for this though. Please keep reading ...

We are going to Augusta (a town about 3.5 hours South of Perth) tonight to spend the weekend with the girls' great-grandparents. When we were talking about going Aimee asked if Daddy was coming too. I told her I didn't think so, but that I hadn't asked him so she could invite him if she wanted to (they are his grandparents after all!). I did also say she shouldn't be too disappointed if he couldn't make it.

Erin's contribution to the conversation was that inviting Daddy was a great idea, but that when we asked him it should include on the condition that he take his own car. She didn't feel they should be any more squished up then they normally are!

I love Erin. She was really born to have a super organised, ultra neat mother. I feel a little bad that she has to make do with me. However she does cope. Most of the time.

From an earlier trip to Augusta.

PS Reason for the double post is that I am not going to post for another few days at least now, so I don't feel like I am inundating you too much. Have a great weekend!

Loving It ......

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.

Joining into with Paisley Jade and reflecting on all the things I am loving particularly this week ....
  • Cooler weather! Snuggles under the doona for me. I am so not a summer person and the weather at the moment is just making me happy.
  • My babies. They are just funny.  End of story*.

  • Celebrations and taking the time out to make people feel special.
  • Cooked breakfast/brunch (especially when it is made for me and served to me in bed by my gorgeous girls - have I mentioned them? and celebrations?).

  • My nieces and nephews. I have got to see (or at least talk to) all of them this week!
  • Old photos.
  • Muffins (especially this week because I need to give them up!).

Click here if you want to join in! It is a lovely link to join in with. What can be nicer then the things you are loving? The button above might take you there too, but I am not so convinced my technological skills are that good!

* for those of you who read my post earlier this week, here is the '32 on Tuesday' balloon! It is still making me laugh!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It is my great honour .....

 .... to humbly accept this Liebster award with massive amounts of thanks and astonishment! Yes, really the lovely Dizzy Lizzie from Whims & Fancies listed me as one of the five blogs she was giving this award too.

Liebster in German means...

favourite, dearest, beloved

and it's for bloggers with under 200 followers.

I am so very excited! I feel like a proper blogger now! Especially as I am still most definitely getting the hang of the whole blogging world and my presentation of the blog is disgraceful (must do something about that).

So upon receiving this award I would like to thank the following:-
  • Dizzy Lizzy from Whims & Fancies for giving me this award and for commenting on my posts so I know someone out there is reading. Her blog is also funny and cute and filled with random stuff which I love.
  • My followers for making me feel special just for reading despite the poor presentation, lack of photos and waffle.
  • Anyone who has ever commented. The comments makes this blog feel real!
  • The anonymous readers who must stumble on this blog occasionally who I see in the stats.
  • Lela from It's All Good because without her I would never have thought of blogging and I wouldn't have had anyone handy to answer my blogging questions.
  • My darling children, because my blog name wouldn't be as funny if I wasn't a mother, plus they are sort of cute and a big part of what I write about.
Oh, have I mentioned I am excited?!

So the rules are as follows:
  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.  
  2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.  
  3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.  
  4. Reveal your 5 blog picks.  
  5. Let them know you choose them by leaving a comment.
The five blogs I would like to give the Liebster Award to are as follows.

1. Chalk & Talk
2. Between the Worlds 
3. Blessed are the Meek
4. Mrs Clark
5. Did you say six?

Picking the blogs was the hard bit! There are so many awesome ones out there.

Thank you again to all of you  for reading :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V Day

All the posts have made me laugh today. It has just been one of those times that I am reminded I am a historian. Every time I read 'V day' my first thought is 'VE day' and worse, every time I read 'VD' my first thought is venereal disease. Now I sound like I am totally insane, you need to read my next paragraph (or two if you want the extended version).

Short version: I did my Honours thesis on the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts in England in the late nineteenth century. A lot of the readings used VD as an abbreviation for venereal disease.

Extended version: Why was that my Honours topic? I wanted my History thesis to sound sort of legalish (because my other major was Legal Studies). I  also wanted a particular supervisor who specialised in women's history in Europe. With the benefit of hindsight I should have scratched the legal component! Although I finished (despite Aimee arriving in the middle) and the BA (Hons) does look pretty after my name on the odd occasion I get to use it so I won't regret not thinking of an awesome topic too much.

In other news, I had a truly lovely birthday. The girls made me breakfast in bed. Work got cake for morning tea. One of my friends came around for dinner. And my boss is taking our team out to lunch tomorrow! I have also got non-stop messages all day. Having your birthday on Valentine's Day when you are in a relationship may not have major benefits, but when you are single you are still bombarded with love :)

Hope you have all had a lovely day and have reflected on all the important relationships in life. 'Love' just doesn't mean romance :)

Monday, February 13, 2012


It is my birthday tomorrow, but this is not the reason for the slightly melancholy title!

Friday night our budgie died. For those of you who regularly read my waffle, you may remember earlier posts I have done about how the pets are not mine. They belong to the girls (and in the budgie's case, the ex, but that is a whole other story). But I am sad. Actually very sad. Sad for the girls who are truly devastated. Sad for their dad who was away at work and the girls were crying so much it took them an hour to be able to talk to him. Sad for me, because I am really going to miss his chattering. I already do. Grief and mourning for the loss of a loved one is an important part of life and I think losing a pet is an important part of growing and learning, but it does not make it a fun lesson. It also scares me about life events that this lesson might be preparing us for.

Saturday night was a celebration for my birthday. This was the fun part of the weekend! I insist on calling it a gathering. I am always too scared to call it a party in case no-one shows up or if people do and it is boring it will make it a bad party. I just feel that calling it a gathering puts a lot less pressure on me! (Paranoid much?!). And just in case you are concerned, people did show up and I had a fabulous night. I feel very loved and very looked after.

I do have a funny Aimee story to share from the weekend to end on a happy note. I had a Board meeting Saturday morning so one of my friends came to babysit. The girls decided to decorate the house while I was out and just as I was leaving Aimee asked could she decorate the balloons. This bit was no problem. However, she was entirely disgruntled with me because my birthday was not for another few days. Apparently this meant she couldn't write "32" or "32nd Birthday" instead she decorated the balloons with the words "32 on Tuesday". Accurate I suppose!

So this is officially my last post at aged 31. Next time I write I will be older and I am keeping my fingers crossed for wiser. Please note, just my fingers crossed, not holding my breath. I am not that optimistic!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Loving life

"I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is".

I have done several of these types of posts recently, but this is a lovely linky that is too nice to not participate in (and I haven't for a while).

So this week I am loving:
1. Puggles! (aka baby echidnas) Because the name is beyond cute and because I have had friends remember this and tag me into facebook posts about them.

2. Toadstool stools. They make me smile every time I see them.

3. Audio books. They have made our travelling so much nicer.

4. My beautiful girls and how gracefully they are embracing all the changes that this year is giving them.

5. Making positive changes to my life (in case you have missed all my dancing posts!) and the wonderful people who are supporting me.

6. Drowning in so many new books that I don't know which one to read first.

7. Blogging. I missed it and I am so glad I am back.

What are you loving this week? You should check out the link and join in!

PS Argh! I still can't get the button to work, but you can join in here
PPS I really need to get better at the photo thing. It is on my list of things to do!
PPPS I have just realised that the new blogger has changed how I thought things were being formatted! Apologies for my last few posts being paragraphless. I will go back and fix this!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy :)

Just to share some random events that have made me smile this week:

- Erin was appointed an assistant student councillor (this is an unashamed mummy brag moment).
- Misty is now housed in what we like to call "Rabbit Castle". Her old hutch just made me sad. I am so, so happy to see her in a three-story home. It was also made for her out of old shelves we had so a great example of recycling too.
- Reanna commenting on her facebook page that she doesn't like spiders, but she likes flies even less so "go spiders". That is my baby-girl with the glass-half-full attitude!
- Reanna taking responsibility for sewing on her own ribbons etc on her pointe shoes and understanding why it is important for her to do it instead of just complaining.
- Weather that has been cool enough for doonas and cuddles and night.
- The girls' Grandad not only picked them up from school today he also cooked us all dinner! So lucky to have amazing in-laws who still help me out.
- Breakfast out with the ex and after 10 years he still sulks because the waitstaff always assumes our meals are the other way round (ie I got a big breakfast and a cappicino and he got a eggs hollandaise and peppermint tea. I would also like to point out he ate half my breakfast). He used to always make me order the latte because it is "girly" (even though I don't really like them) and sulks because they always put a straw in his bourban because they assume it is for me and the beer is his! It just makes me laugh. Mostly at him.
- We have new goldfish.
- It is not only the National Year of Reading (in Australis), the official launch is also on my birthady!

What has made you happy this week?!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Teaching an old dog new tricks

Be impressed, be very impressed. I went to my first tap dancing class tonight! Short version of a longs story goes as follows: trying to lose weight - need to be able to take at least Aimee with me if I need to - psyched myself up to do adult beginners class at the girls' dance school - girls super excited - got uni timetable - clash - tap available - sign up. I would like to point out, I am not a dancer. The girls are, and are quite talented (I have no idea where they get it from). I did belly dancing for a year or two about 7 years ago, but that is different. Pole dancing doesn't count. That is just an exercise class. So are you all impressed? You should be! It was hard. I am just a little bit proud of myself! The class will be straight after my lecture on a Monday night though, so it will be very interesting to see how I cope after that!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Treasure Hunting

Today has felt a bit like one long treasure hunt. Not on purpose! Just the way it turned out. Firstly, we went to a Tupperware party. At this party I picked up the stuff I ordered from my party, including a mystery pack! Now I knew I was getting a mystery pack (I had ordered it after all) but it doesn't detract from the excitement from getting to open it and find out what I actually got. Treasure! Then we went to the shops. While I was in Big W looking for dishwashing liquid, I found Three Wise Monkey garden ornaments. I have been trying to find some for ages. I want to put them by the girls' banana trees. Treasure! After that we went to the museum. Particularly to see a collection that is on show in Perth from the British museum. Lots of amazing things that aren't normally on display here including actual pirate spoils. We also checked out some of the other parts of the museum and in the butterfly section realised that they have different insects painted on the wall. I don't know how many times we have seen this display and this is the first time we have seen them. Lots of treasure for us to find at the museum! The State Library is conveniently located next to the musuem. It has an awesome discard library bookshop with super cheap books. We all found some treasures here ;) And, as a follow up to yesterday, outside the library were banners declaring 2012 is the National Year of Reading (in Australia at least). So not only is this another thing proving that 2012 is going to be amazing, I am pretty sure such a discovery also counts in my treasure total for the day. A wonderful day with the three most important treasures I have. And filled with so many random exciting finds. I always knew I wanted to be a pirate when I grew up.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

This post probably would have made more sense in early January, but I am claiming it as being one of the first few days of the New Year in the Chinese calendar, or reflection as I approach my birthday and enter a new year for me. Really you may justify it anyway you like! Or I guess, as this is my blog, it pretty much means I can waffle as much as I like (and that I am the only person to blame if you all stop following to me as clearly I just talk too much about nothing. I am like this in real life too).

But back to the point. After much consideration I have decided this year is going to be awesome. Why you may ask? Three simple reasons. First 'Twenty Twelve' is just simply much easier to say then 'Twenty Eleven'. I feel this bodes well.

Secondly, I just knew it was going to be a fabulous year once I found out it was the Chinese Year of the Dragon. (See? My opening paragraph did have some relevance) and I just love dragons. I don't know when or why this started but I actually have quite a nice little collection of them. It also makes it easy for people to get me presents when they have no other ideas!

The final, and most important, reason is I simply believe in self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe things are going to work out, in most cases they will. A lot of the time it is all about your perspective. Clearly not always, but a lot of the time it is.

If anyone is still reading, wishing you a very happy year of the Dragon (even if I am a few days too late!) and I hope 2012 is a year where you get to make some of your dreams come true!

PS Apologies to anyone who also follows the Two Mummy Duck blog. Halfway through writing this I couldn't out which blog this belonged on so decided to post it on both!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Just a note to say ....

We survived:-

1. The first day of school (high school for Reanna); and

2. The first couple days of dance; and

3. Erin's first night at "big" Guides; and

4. Reanna and Erin's first time catching the bus to school; and


5. I think I have all our timetables sorted for first semester; and

6. I haven't messed up when I am supposed to be at work (not that I ever have before, well only once, but I was really sick); and

Next comes:-

7. Aimee's first night of Guides without either of her sisters; and

8. Registering Erin for soccer; and

9. Erin's first music lesson; and

10. First week back for uni.

Until then I am making the most of the "spare" time.

And in case anyone is wondering why so heavy on the Erin activities, she picked soccer instead of a second dance class and got accepted into a music program at school!

Hope you have all had a fabulous start to February!