Things I have learnt this weekend. And before anyone is confused, WA had a long weekend this weekend (for Labour Day) so it really is the last day of the weekend for me. That said, it isn't a university holiday so despite not having to go to work I am sitting in a uni lecture theatre as I type. I felt it was appropriate considering the subject of this post! I should also clarify that the lecture hasn't started yet. Please feel free to imagine my halo.
So anyway. Things I have learnt this weekend:
1. The instructions on the 'shake and make' pancakes are not just for show Have I mentioned I don't cook? This may be why! I was shaking the pancake mix and it goes flying everywhere. I am still getting pancake out of my hair. The trick to avoiding this is to follow the instructions and make sure the lid is on properly. Or if you insist on not reading them properly try to avoid an audience. Mine consisted of my big two, my youngest sister and a friend of Erin's.
2. Shorts are shorter then they used to be In proportion to my increasing age and increasing exponentially with the age of my daughters. Perhaps a matter of perception?
3. A mother's work does not stop because her children move out of home Even when they have children of their own. A shout out of thanks to my mum for printing out my lecture notes for me for this week. I forgot I wasn't at work today and that my printer at home isn't working.
4. Lecturers get a say in when the exam is Every other university lecturer may be going to hunt down and torture my current lecturer for announcing this to the class. Really. I have never heard this announced before! (Although it doesn't actually surprise me, I am pretty sure the "rule" is that it is never said).
5. The three ancient learned professions are theology, medicine and law This is a paraphrased quote and I haven't been able to work out exactly who said it first. A google search shows it heaps though so I am guessing someone said it at some point though. This is a classical definition though before anyone gets upset with me. I am a historian remember. I would like to know when it was first said though because I think it is an interesting snapshot of the attitude of that time.
6. Everything tastes better when you eat it off a stick We had the most amazingly yummy swirly potato on a stick things this weekend at the Fremantle Markets. So yummy that after we had them on Sunday with the girls' dad, Reanna and I took my little sister there again today. To back this up fruit kebabs and sausages also taste better when things are on a stick. It is just the way it is.
By the way. I am a sucky student! Lecture may not have started when I began to write this post. But it had by the time I finished. I could pretend I am good at multi-tasking, but this may be slightly exaggerated. In case you couldn't tell, number 5 above was what I learnt during class today so I really was listening!
I totally love those potato stick thingees
I cannot believe I have never had one before! I can see us making excuses to go to the markets a lot :)
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