So this weekend just gone, we finally had the weekend I have been intending on having for the last few weeks! The first weekend went awry when my back got hurt. The second weekend went off target by an all morning shopping trip (so not my idea) on the Saturday and a very-day-after-the-night-before-ish day on the Sunday (totatally self-inflicted, but oh so worth it!).
So this weekend, what did we do?! You have two choices here. You can read through the waffle or you can skip to the last paragraph. I really don't mind which option you pick! I am nice like that.
We slept in on the Saturday. We spent both nights at home.
We went and watched Erin's first scratch match on the Sunday morning. She did so well! She is little and scary, in my opinion anyway! I was a little concerned that she tripped someone over in the first five minutes of play, but Reanna assures me this is how it works (Note to self: learn some of the rules. Also learn how long each half goes for. It is a little embarrassing to be asked to be time-keeper and then to have to ask how long it goes for! I was very enthusiastic about helping though. I feel I deserve points for that).
I went to bookclub on Sunday afternoon and freaked themt all out with the fact I read two books that weekend. In all fairness, I do read fast and both books were so awesome and unputdownable (I am keeping this word, I have decided I don't care if it exists). And while it isn't exactly uncommon for me to read more then one book in a weekend anymore, these days I am mostly too busy for it to happen. Totally different books too! 'The Help' which was our bookclub book and I really should have read earlier. Luckily I loved it and it was no effort to read in a few hours. The first couple of months of bookclub I read the book straight away and then had troubles remembering because I'd read so many other books in the middle. This is my excuse and I am sticking to it. I should really pay more attention when I read though. The second book was 'The Hunger Games' which I was reading under protest to decide whether or not Erin could read it. I have touched on this briefly in my review, and I will probably blog about the whole issue separately. But for now, let's just say as an adult I loved it and I am looking forward to reading the next two (probably some time this week if I am lucky!).
Highlight of the weekend was babysitting my friends 19-month-old. It took Aimee exactly 15 minutes of having her and about 2 minutes of being in the car with a crying toddler to declare she was glad she was the youngest! We had so much fun! I barely saw her though. The girls took it in turns in playing with her very nicely but I admit there was a lot of "She is not a toy! She is a person. A little person, but still a person!" Mama phrase for the weekend! It was very, very good for my spoilt youngest diva daughter though. It is the first time she has really shown any interest in a baby (usually she just wants lots of my attention) and the first time she has really helped with babysitting! My heart melted watching her carry the baby around! The plop on the lounge was followed by a very serious "I am not very good at the landings yet". Aw. So cute!
But as thrilling as my weekend sounds, you might be wondering whtat it was I actually had planned. The answer is actually nothing. Just a weekend at home to potter around and get stuff done. In addition to the fun stuff, I also have finally finished sorting out the playroom! One more tiny wall to paint and I will post pictures!! Yay!!! You have no idea how long I have been dying for a day at home to get this done. All the sorting and organising and it looks soooooo good! And it feels even better. (All the explanation marks in this paragraph were necessary to convey exactly how over the moon I am about this.)
So in summary: we played, read, cleaned, purged and talked (did I mention a couple of marathon phone chats with friends? I had to talk to someone! The girls were otherwise occupied). And really, that was it!
1 comment:
That was it? Sounds delightful!
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