Monday, June 13, 2011

My week according to facebook

Today I am Thankful for fabulous friends, long weekends, my sisters and that my children have learned to sleep in! * Reanna and Erin are cooking. R & E: "Ooooh .... ummm". Me (calls from other room): "Are you ok?" R & E (in perfect unison): "Yes!!" Not very convinced. * It is the little things that make all the difference. Sometimes this is all you need to focus on! :) * Apparently thinking of random passwords is my thing for the day. * Avoid Monday-itis. Don't start your working week until Tuesday :) * I now have possession of a super cool purple clutch! And I am very excited about it! Shoes next :) * Today I am Thankful that I get home early enough most days to take the washing off the line before it gets damp. * Sick and tantrumy baby + early start + school photos = not the best start to the day * All day breakfast for lunch + coke in a glass bottle + shoe shopping with a connoisseur = a much improved day! Plus as an added extra it is hump day :) * Aimee quote of the day: "I have created a new [vegetarian] burger. It should be called 'The Awesome Aimee'. You know, like Aimee Jones". * Crazy hair day is so much more fun to get ready for then school photo day. I now have multi-coloured hands (which I need to get rid of by lunch) and a splattered dressing gown (which I am glad I thought of). Everyone keep your fingers crossed that Boris copes ok with the fumes! * Today I am Thankful for things working out ok, radio stations that make me laugh out loud, ballet flats and sales. * I ♥ muffins with white chocolate, late night shopping, new shoes, things that sparkle, cushions, my pyjamas, champagne, Fridays, my girls and cuddles. * I am proud of Reanna for not being distracted by the boys during the football match. Tactic foiled boys! * Just in case we haven't done enough shopping in the last thirty-six hours ......

Crazy hair day at the girls' school.

I am pleased to say they take dressing up 'seriously'!

Apparently I wasn't very chatty on facebook this week! This could be due to my new found love of blogging ;)


Holly G said...

So glad you are loving blogging! Thanks for linking up with "What I Love About Me!" I am now following you. :)

The barefoot lifting witch said...

When I first discovered blogging, my FB obsession faltered a little bit. But it's back now so don't fret too much x
Love the girls' hair!

Catherine said...

Hi Holly Ann, I am excited you are following me :) I have posted my "What I love about me post now".

And this makes me feel lots better Romina. Although it is probably not such a bad thing my facebooking has slowed down a little bit ;)