Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I was going to write a really bubbly enthusiastic post about all the cool stuff I have started for 1001 challenge. I started it and everything! Then I worked out I am too grumpy :( You think I would have known this before I started but apparently I didn't! So there you go. You will just have to wait. Maybe it will work for me tomorrow.
Random side note. I have recently worked out that having a vegetarian child means I put more vegies in stuff. I know, I know - I am a genius. Before you think I am a total ditz, what I actually mean is that I mix more vegies into stuff then I would otherwise, serve Aimee's then add meat for the rest of us. Tonight's example: The sauce etc for tuna mornae added lots of corn, served Aimee's, then added tuna for the rest of us. Considering my dislike of vegies this is probably working well for me!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The day after Sunday ... and our holidays


Click the button to join in with blogs tea & me for 'The day after Sunday' linky. If you don't like Mondays what better way to start then by sharing the special moments from your weekend? And if you do like Mondays this can only make them better!

I feel like a bit of a fraud joining in this week. The weekend just gone was the end of my holidays, so it has felt like 10 days of weekend! I do love this linky though, so I am going to join in regardless.

We started the weekend with Elmo cupcakes on Friday night for my cousin's birthday. Followed by a cousin sleepover. Saturday was some cruisey shopping and then the girls slept over at Daddy's Saturday night. Mummy's night out! Christmas in July with a few good friends (*disclaimer* I don't like shops using Christmas in July as a way of selling things, but I do think it is fun as a social thing or a fundraiser). Sunday morning we went out for the biggest brunch ever followed by a loooooong nap. We watched the Western Derby even though sadly I do not feel it was worth the effort. Not because our team lost, but just because I don't think either team deserved to win! (I don't follow the football. The girls do though so I try and watch if it is a Derby or a Grand Final. Only one Grand Final per year though. I don't believe in repeats! So if the game is disappointing I do seem to take it personally. When I have made such an effort. Yes, I might be a little egocentric). Finally, we finished our holidays with Harry Potter at the drive in. (And yes I know I said no more Harry Potter, but we did go! The girls were so excited!!! It was definitely a good compromise on the should they be allowed to see it at the movies issue).

So lovely, lovely weekend with family, friends and way, way, way too much food!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

I love staycations!

Yes, this is my weekly facebook "status" update, but re-reading they are all so nice and cruisy and happy. You can definitely tell it is school holidays and I had a week off work. Here goes ....

Two new Madeleine Wickham (aka Sohpie Kinsella) books and a new one by Monica McInerney. So much happiness. I ♥ the internet, online super cheap book sales and Australia Post! * Cupcakes AND clown fish. Feeling domesticated today ;) * Fabulous afternoon visiting. Think the girls might have been a little too excited about the Ikea trip though. Hmmmm ......... this might be my fault! * Sooooo stiff! Next time I will listen more carefully to David when he reminds us to stretch! * I really need to stop getting so easily distracted (reprised). * So very much excitement and planning in this house! * I ♥ picnics, The Maze, not (really) getting lost, new books, awesome home made presents, sleeping-in, Harry Potter, staycations, cupcakes and Ikea. I don't ♥ driving behind trucks and children being sick. * I may have eaten way too much and I may have got ice-cream on my top and in my hair ... Movie was fabulous .... almost as good as the company ;) * A couple of days of getting-away-from-it-all holidays! So much to read and so much napping to be done. See you on the flip-side peoples!! * North, south, east, west. Home is always best. Complete with my very loud daughters, housework to catch up on .... you know all the usual stuff :oP * "But I am the dad. I am in charge *pause*. When you are not around". * I ♥ cupcakes, birthday parties, the beach in winter, markets, new books, sleeping-in, holidays, garden ornaments, my (extended) family and board games * Christmas in July buffet for dinner last night (with fabulous company! Thanks peoples). Massive brunch today. The girls are all complaining of sore full tummies and we didn't even finish our meals ..... I don't think it we will be eating again today!!! * Still super full but much better after a decent nap. Now off to brave the enemy lair for a derby party :oP

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kids say the cutest things

The girls came home and had a fabulous time! Aimee in particular was very glad to see me. When she came to give me a cuddle last night she whispered to me that she always gets a little bit homesick when she sleeps away from me, not for home but for Mummy. We came to the conclusion that this was Mummy-sick and that it was ok, but that going away was still fun.

Erin came home and informed me in all seriousness that they had done things like brush their teeth, go to bed on time and remembered to say thank you to Nanna and Grandad. The first thing she did was tell me that they had said to say hello to me.

Reanna made me laugh though! Their Dad told me this one. She informed him that her sunglasses were better then his. He was highly indignant (he didn't tell me this, but I know what he is like) and pointed out his were real raybands and that hers were only copies. Reanna pointed out that hers were only $5 and his were over $100 and that hers looked just as good. Therefore the natural conclusion was that hers were better. Daddy was speechless. One day he will learn ;) And long may Reanna continue to think this way! At least until she is buying her own stuff!

I missed my babies and I am glad they are home :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Loving It!

I am joining in the link up from Paisley Jade again. Remembering that no matter how bad things are there is always something in life to be thankful for. If you want to join in just click here or the button below!


This week I am loving ....

Baking with my girls cupcakes with bright yellow icing and clown (aka Nemo) fish with apricots and white chocolate.

Painting my house. It is amazing how much better it all looks every time I paint another little bit. The passage is now the sandy yellow of the main living area. It makes me smile every time I work through there.

The bright yellow wattle always reminds me of the station and my childhood and 'home'.

Our frangipani and banana trees growing so bravely. I am so excited they are still alive (all credit goes to the children, but I am still excited).

And finally my beautiful Erin! Who I think of every time I see something yellow :) (and of course my other beautiful babies ... but today's post is dedicated especially to Erin).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

PS I love you

My children like to write me notes. Sometimes it is because I have gone out and they want to tell me something. Sometimes it is because they are supposed to be sleeping. Aimee in particular likes to leave me notes on top of a book asking me to please read it by the morning, because clearly that is what I want to do when I finally tumble into bed! Read yes, but not necessarily something picked by the 8-year-old. I made the mistake of letting them realise how quickly I can read their books and they are soooo disappointed if I don't!

But I digress. Next to my bed on top of my books is a favourite place for all of them to leave me notes. The other most favourite place in on top of my keyboard (I think they might be trying to tell me something). Or more conventionally, and for things not urgent, on the front of the fridge.

I am particularly proud of Reanna at the moment. She has done some stuff recently I am not too happy about (I may blog about this another time, but for the moment let's just say teenage years are rapidly approaching! Please wish me luck!). But she was grown up enough to leave me a note saying she was sorry and what she was going to do about it. So very, very, very proud of her for taking responsibility for her actions. I left her a note in return (I was out when she left me the first note). I could have just spoken to her, I do realise this, but I wanted her to have it in writing. A physical reminder telling her how proud I am of her and reminding her how much I love her even when she does do the wrong thing.

The girls have gone away with their dad for a couple of nights. This involves lots of note writing. I have been finding them all over the place. Ones asking me to call people or washing certain items, you know the types of things. Ones reminding me to look after the pets. Apparently it is the rabbit's day to have fresh hay and carrots and the bird needs fresh water every day. Who knew?! (I am ignoring the fact that my darling children have NO faith in my ability and focusing on the cuteness of them wanting to take care of their pets. Humour me on this one!). However what concerns me the most is the location of the pet note. It was in the fridge ... on top of a block of chocolate .... hmmmmm ... just hmmm ....... horrible children!

PS I love them!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day Zero

Sooo ... I thought it was about time to add some more challenge to my life, to expand my horizons and to add some more focus to my blog.

No, the real reasons are (a) I have always thought this would be cool to do and so I am jumping on the bandwagon - even if it is ages after anyone else; (b) I am more likely to do things if someone out there knows I am actually intending on doing it; and (c) I did actually think it was a good way to do some things I have been wanting to do and/or do some things that are a bit out of my comfort zone.

Plus as everyone knows - a goal is a dream with a date!

Oh yes, what I am actually doing?! 101 things in 1001 day challenge. If you look above I now have two pages! One is the challenge itself and one is part of the challenge (I will write about that later, but for those of you who just want to know now I think if you look at it, it is pretty self-explanatory).

There is a variety of stuff. Some things I have been talking about for a while. Some things I thought of (or had suggested) just for this. Some I should do. Some that are just for fun.

Wish me luck! And stay tuned for more updates. The challenge starts .... now! ( No real reason, it is just as good as day as any. And I haven't worked out yet when it actually finishes! I will get back to you).

PS If you read yesterday's post about my excitement over my 60th post it was also 30 at Two Mummy Ducks and 20 at Confessions of a Bookaholic so maybe it is just the week for exciting numbers. 101 in 1001 sounds like an exciting number to me! So maybe there is a reason for today after all ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Some announcements

1. I now have 10 followers! Thank you all for joining my journey. I am massively excited to have each and every one of you. Ask my poor friends who get a text every time I get a new one ;)

2. This is my 60th post! Some are just meaningless waffle, I do realise this, but I think a few of them might actually be amusing enough to read (please do not feel like you have to disillusion me on this one. Or if you do, and this may not be a bad thing, please be gentle!).

3. My cupcakes sucked. My thoughts after evaluating the process. Make sure you get the right about of milk and it may not have been the best idea to leave them in the oven all night. They were rock hard. The girls very kindly told me the icing was awesome though and suggested we give them to Daddy because he will eat anything. At least they are supportive! The batch I made earlier in the day (ie pre-11pm) were much, much better. I feel there is a lesson here.

4. I am going to Harry Potter 7(2) tonight! So after this I will go back to normal and I doubt Harry Potter will mentioned again for ages.

Hope all is well in your worlds and there is stuff happening that is making you happy :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

And the clock strikes 11

So for those of you who are wondering why I am still up, the story goes something like this ....

A (planned) late afternoon visit led to a (planned) evening visit to Ikea for dinner and browsing. Ikea is not particularly close to us so we use any excuse to go to that part of the universe to sneak in a visit. We do love Ikea! So we get home latish, but no dinner or anything needs to be cooked (yes again for those of you who read my post from Saturday)

The girls go to bed. I check facebook, play some facebook Scrabble, chat to some people on the phone and on facebook, catch up on some blogs (reading and writing) and do some pottering. I cuddled Aimee when she woke up with a sore tummy and googled some places to get my car fixed. Then suddenly, it is 10:30! Bed you might be thinking except I hadn't exactly finished (you could read this as started) baking the promised cupcakes or boiling the eggs needed for tomorrow's picnic. Or washing a promised jumper either I may add.

And the lessons of distractions don't end here! I have a horrible feeling I put too much milk into the cupcake mix so I am hoping they turn out ok! If not, we will be going cupcakeless tomorrow. At least I tried.

So the moral of the story is: Multi-tasking is great, as long as you remember all the tasks that need doing!

And the final thought(s) (1) be impressed I am a baking again! Second batch today (the first ones were great); (2) how many posts is too many for one day?; and (3) yes we do have a grandfather clock so I really did hear it strike 11!

The Day after Sunday .... and our Harry Potter weekend


Click the button to join in with blogs tea & me for 'The day after Sunday' linky. If you don't like Mondays what better way to start then by sharing the special moments from your weekend? And if you do like Mondays this can only make them better!

I have to admit that on this 'day after Sunday' I am on holidays so I definitely have all sorts of rose-coloured glasses on at the moment! Even more then normal ;)

So our weekend consisted of:

Friday: getting all my children back under one roof, nacho picnic in the lounge and Harry Potter 1.

Saturday:Sleep in followed by Saturday morning "cartoons" (what is with there being real life things on these days instead of cartoons?) Harry Potter 2, making the clown fish out of dried apricots and white chocolate that we saw on Saturday Disney (totally awesome by the way) Harry Potter 3. Breakfast-for-dinner with a couple of friends. Harry Potter 4 (are you sensing a theme). Emergency trip to pick up my nephew! It was great to have him, but the reason for the surprise visit was my niece breaking her wrist quite badly and needing to stay in hospital over night which was less good :(

Sunday: I dragged myself out of bed early to go to the park for a circuit class. Harry Potter 5. The kids played schools and my sister came to collect her son and so my niece could show off her cast. Harry Potter 6. I ordered "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in Latin for a different sister's 30th and Jo returned for Harry Potter 7!

Weekend over!!! Soooooo lazy, but just exactly what I needed. I read and napped through lots of the movies. I cuddled my babies and chatted with friends. Other then the broken niece it was a fabulous weekend. Although my final day-after-Sunday comment .... I should have stretched last night .... I am soooooo stiff today!

Driving and Harry Pottering mostly

The background to my week of status updates is that the girls were on school holidays last week but sadly I had to work. I had a whole heap of amazing people volunteer to look after them, but it did mean I was all over the place (and so were the entourage) literally! Other then that the title of today's blog pretty much sums it up! Here goes .....

I would just like to announce I (we) got 7 on the footy tipping this week *without* Reanna!!! This makes it twice as impressive! * I ♥ maxi dresses, fun new stationary, "camping" (esp when it includes toasting marshmellows, s'mores, choc bananas and potatoes baked in the fire), winter snuggles, drive-in movies, coffee catch-ups, inspirational people, playing dress-ups, suprises and yummy meals cooked by other people. I don't ♥ working during the school holidays, being supportive of dry July (even though I am!), car problems or waiting. * Trip to the art gallery. Erin's most used phrase: What is that? What does it mean?. My most used phrase: Ask Daddy, this is his area not mine. I like the art gallery but yay for delegation!!!! :) Also v useful for the ACDC section of the museum! * Harry Potter tickets booked! So excited!! Now to join in with everyone else on the book re-reading and movie re-watching over the next week :) * Today I am Thankful for people with positive status updates, for the wonderful people who have volunteered to have my girls while I am at work this week and for chocolate because chocolate makes everything better. * Hmmm ... at home .... no children (very strange feeling) ... think I might move furniture :) * I need to stop being so easily distracted! * Apparently not having the girls does not make getting out of bed any easier, but I can be ready to leave the house in 15 minutes! * Today I am Thankful that you can reprint receipts for things you buy online, for the end of the saga of the dress (for those of you following the saga I got credit voucher for the amount I originally paid), for being smart enough to read things before I sign them, for being brave enough to insist on things and for lovely, patient sales assistants. * Helped feed the horses for the first time (I have only been going to Byford for 9 years) - cuddles with my baby niece - watched my nephew play with his cousins (aka my daughters!) - yummy roast dinner - super cute girls in their new tops from Paris - now very tired mama. Must be almost bedtime. * Two days to go .......... * Today I am Thankful for a car park spot at the train station and a seat on the train when I wasn't expecting either! No long story this time ... even though I was at a different train station to normal * I am still pretty sure I need a croissant to celebrate Bastille Day. * Fabulous girls night out last night with the Aimee-fuzz! Dinner with Emma, Katie and Sarah (the last one for a while with all four of us together). Then shopping and then a "just us" trip to the movies to see 'Kung Fu Panda 2' complete with icecream and peanut M&Ms!! Followed by our very own sleepover on the couch. Now only one more day of work ...... and then holidays!!!! * Enjoying my chocolate croissant as my belated Bastille Day celebration and my last day of work celebration and my just-because-it-is-Friday celebration! Hmmm ... maybe I should have got two * Today I am Thankful the girls have had a great week (without me), for all the wonderful people who have babysat the girls for me and for staycations * I am so happy to have all my girls at home ready to start my holidays! Erin is over the moon with her mani-pedi. Aimee is hilariously funny complaining about "the little girls" and I came home to find Reanna fast asleep on the couch "watching" Misty. Week one of the girls' school holidays has been a massive hit! Thanks again everyone. I think the next week with me and/or Adam is going to be a bit of a let down * Aimee quote of the day: The bit when he goes "my dad's a muggle and my mum's a witch" is like us going "our mum's a Guide leader and our dad's a Scout". * I ♥ pyjama days, fun cooking, Harry Potter books/movies/marathons, staycations, not having to set my alarm, awesome costumes, people who understand me, happy status updates and my girls. * Harry Potter 1 last night with nachos, pyjamas and Starburst rattlesnakes. HP2 this morning with chicken chips, pepsi max and clothes folding (I know sad, but it still needs doing!) * 15 minutes until we push play on HP3!!! And while we are on the HP theme I have just ordered my sister's 30th birthday present :) * Cooked dinner tonight for the first time in over a week!! * Breakfast-for-dinner with Steve & Jo AND HP4 briefly interupted by an emergency run to pick up my nephew) AND wine AND Violet Crumble overload icecream AND Steve fixed my computer! * Sleeping, Harry Potter, eating, sleeping, Harry Potter (repeat). * Making clown fish(as demonstrated on Saturday Disney) with my clown babies x4. Who said TV doesn't teach you anything?! * Fifty-one hours and seven movies. Now only two sleeps to go.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Achieved an Impossible Dream ....

Well I would have thought it was an impossible dream if I'd actually ever thought about it!! I managed to not cook dinner for 9 nights in a row AND no it wasn't take-out every night! I don't hate cooking, but I don't love it. It is a just something that needs doing so it gets done. So how did I managed this .....

Day 1 (Friday): Reanna was at a sleepover and the little two were at Guides. They got to go Sizzlers for an end of term party and Erin suggested it would be a good idea for me to get takeaway - I agreed!

Day 2 (Saturday): We went to the drive in and had a picnic dinner of cheese and bacon rolls (and movie snacks).

Days 3 & 4 (Sunday & Monday): The girls' dad was home so he cooked (he also cooked 9 nights out of ten when we were together. He is much better at it then I am and he enjoys it. Especially now he works away and lives by himself when he is at home).

Day 5 (Tuesday): The girls slept at my sister's and I got takeaway.

Day 6 (Wednesday): We went to the girls' grandparents' house for dinner (my in-laws).

Day 7 (Thursday): Reanna and Erin were at sleepovers and Aimee and I went out to dinner with a few of my friends.

Day 8 (Friday): We began our Harry Potter movie marathon weekend with nachos for dinner in the lounge room (ok I did sort of cook, but I don't think putting corn chips, sauce and grated cheese in the microwave counts).

Well, I may have had takeaway two nights, but I don't think this counts when it was just me at home. The girls were eating properly! I doubt this will happen again in a hurry ... and I have very much enjoyed it! Although with all the driving I did this week I think it was a fair balance ;)

And just in case anyone is concerned, proper menu planning is at the top of my list of things to do at the moment!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Loving it! HP style ....

I am joining in the link up from Paisley Jade again. Remembering that no matter how bad things are there is always something in life to be thankful for. If you want to join in just click here or the button below!


This week I am loving ....

Harry Potter books, Harry Potter movies, my Harry Potter wand .... and just generally all things Harry Potter. Re-reading and re-watching in progress as we speak.

$1 coins well a few in particular. The Scouts turned 100 in 2008 and the Girl Guides in 2010. To celebrate the Australian government declared 2008 to be the Year of the Scout and 2010 to be the Year of the Girl Guide and released commemorative coins for each association in the respective years. (I hope I have the years right now!) I have been a Guide for 23 years and counting and have been involved with Scouts on and off for 16 years. Getting a Guide or Scout dollar (or a William and Catherine 20c coin) in my change always makes my day!

Mummy-Daughter Date Nights It doesn't happen very often I get a one-on-one night with just one of my gorgeous girls, but when I do they are awesome!

Rain I grew up in the middle of the desert, need I say more?! Plus with rain ... comes Rainbows

Dreaming and putting the steps in place to make my dreams a reality.

Family the ones I am related to blood, by marriage and the ones who are my family just by choice. "Friends are the family you chose for yourself". I love this quote.

Staycation I looooove this phrase! I read it on a blog recently and it is my new favourite! Most of my holidays are simply spending time at home, and they totally rock!

What are you loving this week?! Join in and tell the world!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home Alone

It is a strange feeling! Not that I am not home alone ever, but usually it is because I have a day off work for some reason or for an hour when they are all at Guides or when I have come home after being out when they are sleeping somewhere else. I was 29 (or it might have been 30) before I'd ever slept in a house by myself. I was 21 (almost 22) before I'd ever slept in a house without another adult! I think being the oldest of seven may have had some impact on this. Empty houses still always feel strange to me!

Anyway, the entourage are having a sleepover at my sister's tonight because I am working tomorrow. So you may ask what I am doing tonight:

(a) I had crab sticks and chips with extra chicken salt. (So excited! I have randomly saw a fish and chip shops that does this in a pack like a meal. I LOVE crab sticks. Sometimes we get chips to go with dinner just so I can get them. I really need to stop this) AND I had it with salad so I am feeling very grown up, because the girls aren't even here to set a good example for;

(b) I have been in my pyjamas since 5:30pm;

(c) '27 Dresses' is on in the background; and

(d) now I am thinking about moving some furniture around. You know, as you do.

I could just curl up and get a super early night (except I want to watch a tv show later) or actually do some cleaning that needs doing or keep re-reading Harry Potter or catch up on some posts at Confessions of a Bookaholic, but I have a feeling moving furniture is going to be way to go. I am working on the theory, but when the urge hits you should go with it ... I will let you what (if anything!) I achieve later!

Oh and I should mention I will shower and change into a clean pair of pyjamas before bed! Just in case you were worried ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

The day after Sunday


Click the button to join in with blogs tea & me for the very first 'The day after Sunday' linky. If you don't like Mondays what better way to start then by sharing the special moments from your weekend? And if you do like Mondays this can only make them better! I am excited about it anyway :)

Friday night: No Reanna, so takeaway and a couple of hours quiet reading for Mama, while the little two were at (Girl) Guides .... home and snuggles on the couch in front of a new dvd (Aimee got a new one at the Christmas in July they had at Guides that night) ... we slept all curled up on the couch. This is something I can't do when they are all home. Naps yes, all night sleeping no. They are just too big now!

Saturday morning: ... sleeping in ... stopped past Bunnings for a sausage sizzle (fundraiser for an awesome cause) on the way to the city ... I had to go into the office for a few hours (long story, doesn't happy very often). The girls were legends! Hot milo and Saturday morning cartoons for them. Zipping around the office like a maniac photocopying for me. Picture this: kitchen one corner (where the children were located), my desk opposite corner, two photocopiers in the remaining two corners. Now picture me running around madly between all four! Yes we were the only people there!! I am also pretty sure this classifies as exercise. We were there for almost two hours! Aimee dressed in "work" clothes (pictures to come) and very kindly tested all the stamps in sight. You will be pleased to know they all worked. And, this morning, I found a lovely note on my computer screen from Erin. She'd left it there on the weekend to give me a perfect start to the week!

Saturday night: Drive in. Bit spur of the moment, which is always exciting, and definitely inspired by how good the girls had been in the morning. Clinker game (are we the only people who play this?!) and then hangman while we waited for the movie to start. Plus the ever favourite "I am thinking of an animal". Picnic dinner in the car. TWO movies plus I got to catch up with a friend who came with us! Awesome night out and sooooo cheap! Especially compared to going to the cinemas.

Sunday: I got my Reanna home:) We had every intention of going to church until we found out there was no Sunday school and no pastor. Instead we had the perfect morning catching up with my co-Two Mummy Duck-er including getting some amazing snuggles from my (very tired) 5-year-old God-daughter. We had all seven kids there and they were all so good! Must have been the weekend for well behaved children. Maybe because it was so cold and their blood all slowed down. Like lizards ... or something ....

Sunday night: "Camping". Toasted marshmellows. Potatoes in jackets cooked in the fire. Chocolate bananas. S'mores. A shared beer (clearly not with the children). Wood smoke .... mmmmm ....soooo many memories!

Written down it sounds busy! But in reality, it was lovely and relaxed. We started the weekend with literally no plans and this is what it ended up like. Full of cuddles and coffee catch ups and shared times and creating happy memories.

If it isn't on facebook it didn't happen ....

... allegedly! Although considering I am writing heaps less on facebook, perhaps this means I am doing less? Or perhaps I am just ceasing to exist? Or I am just not thinking I am as clever/funny/interesting as I do some weeks?! (Thinking option three is probably the most likely) ... but anyway ... here goes!

Today I am Thankful for rain picking the appropriate time to fall, the girls being excited to do stuff with me, spending time with my (extended) family, everything working out according to plan and for finding time to cross things off my to-do list however small the "thing" is! * That strange moment when you have to text your mother to warn her that one of her granddaughters wants to learn algebra. * Waiting for the icecream to soften so I can go to bed and defrost my feet. I realise this is ironic. * I am pretty sure the animal I feel the most affinity with today is a penguin. * Lemon and lime tart! Yay for birthdays and cake days! Good pick Lisa! * Today I am Thankful for my mum, heaters and chocolate. * I love dinners that (with minor alterations) the entire household loves! I think mashed potato is the secret. * I am constantly amazed by daughters' dedication to sport! Go Reanna and Erin and the rest of the school teams!!! * I am soooooooooo looking forward to holidays :) * I still do not get why teeny-tiny chocolates are called 'fun-size'. * Today I am Thankful for a short wait at the train station, that it was just light enough to read and for a seat on the train. * Not only hump day but National Hump Day. So much cause for celebration :D * All this neon is hurting my eyes! * I am disproportionally proud of myself for *not* having caramel slice for breakfast. * Aimee walls and my walls are both colour splotched now. I don't know who is more excited! * ‎(a) Sent my rainbow fluro babies off to school. They should come with a warning for people who are sensitive to light and/or people with hang-overs! (b) I am also super proud of them for wanting to do their bit to support their school's commitment to the program they are fundraising for in Cambodia. (c) I now have green fingers. I need to learn how to use coloured hair-spray better. * Borders last day today. It looks like a ghost shop :( * All three girls got icecream vouchers for their rainbow costumes :) * Being the first person awake feels like an awful waste. * Today I am Thankful for (a) amazing girls who are transportable; (b) work places with two photocopiers, milo and coloured paper; (c) exercise from running to all four corners of the office for 1.5 hours*; (d) Erin not telling me off for the state of my desk; (e) Aimee being super good** and testing all my stamps; and (f) wonderful people who volunteer for all sorts of organisations. * Aimee quote of the day (while driving past units in the CBD): "Those people should hang their washing inside. Or at least their knickers. No-one wants to see big Grandma undies". Her response when I asked her where she heard that term: "The school photographer and SpongeBob". Hmmm. * Pretty sure I have worked way too hard for a Saturday .... but definitely sure I deserve this night out!!! * Spent so much of the day feeling like a naughty school girl!

And that is it! I am still have camera dramas on three counts! Part of it is real dramas, part of it is me being technologically challenged! I have some good ones for you though so stay tuned. I am determined to get them up in the next week. Or next week at the latest.

Keep smiling and have a fabulous week :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I am turning into my mother

And not in a bad way. I just had one of those moments when I ate my lunch (at my desk!) yesterday, when part of my lunch was cold mashed potato.

Not that my mum has a fondness for cold mashed potatoes but, let me tell you a story ..... I was about 15 (I think) when I went in the kitchen and saw the toast had popped. When I called out to mum to tell her, her reply was she new but she was waiting for it to get cold before she buttered it and ate it. I was (I still think understandably) confused. Waiting for the toast to get cold??? This does not sound like something people plan to do! Mum shrugged and just said she got used to it when we were little and now she just likes it like that.**

Fast forward about 7 years and me studying full time with two babies, nannying for two of my little sisters, volunteering etc. I "got" it. And worked out why she enjoyed cold toast! It might be an acquired taste but if it is your best chance of getting to eat you might as well acquire it. It's not bad :)

Fast forward another nineish year and you get me today! Really getting it! I looove leftovers and I very often just eat them cold. But hey, you do what you need to do to survive and you might as well enjoy it while you are there!

But anyway ... I now get it Mum! I really do!!!

[**Family background: four of us in five years. Lived on remotish sheep station so she was our home tutor from when I was 5 until when I was 9. I am the oldest. Then she went back to full time study, while still having us at home with a governess and cooking for anywhere between 6 and 12 people, etc, etc}

Monday, July 4, 2011

F is for facebook

Today I am Thankful for super supportive and helpful people, for an afternoon at home and for things working out :) * Baking cupcakes twice in three days?! I am not sure what is wrong with me :oP * I am pretty sure that I need to refine my cupcake making skills. I am also pretty sure the *only* way to do this is by making more cupcakes. * If the "red sky in the morning, shepherds' warning" thing is true, today is going to be a massive storm!!! It is glowing red outside. (Oh and I do realise storms are predicted!). * I ♥ birthdays, cupcakes, new books, finding bargains, rain, lazy nights on the couch, winter snuggles, hot chocolate, afternoons at home, surprise presents, family dinners, having someone else cook, crossing things off my to-do list, positive people and hour long phone conversations. I don't ♥ the girls being sick, crickets, driving during storms or text messages not working. * While we are on the topic of cupcakes, apparently Aimee's class declared my cupcakes some of the best ones ever!! Go the 85c homebrand packet mix. I do think I make great icing though so maybe that was it. Either that or they just say it about all cupcakes. * Aimee quote of the day: "Mummy you are pretty enough to be a waitress". Apparently only pretty people are waitresses. * Soup + hot crusty rolls + real butter = perfect winter dinner * My aim for the day, since Reanna was home sick, was to clean out and re-organise the kitchen cupboards. I didn't set foot in the kitchen all day. I haven't even done the dishes yet. I did however get halfway through organising the study. Does this mean I am rebelling against myself? * What?! Only Wednesday?! * So, just like that, apparently I am out of retirement. And, for anyone who had any doubts, Erin is going to be a fabulous leader one day! A scary one perhaps but definitely fabulous! * Wicked! Wicked! Wicked! Wicked! Wicked!!!!! * Lesson of the day: do not volunteer to cover reception on the busiest day of the year. But I would just like to say again, that I hold receptionists in the highest esteem. Their job is *really* hard. * Yay! And that is the girls sorted for the holidays :) * I ♥ choc mint stuff, V, green traffic lights, chicken twisties, the smell of newly cut grass, freshly washed leaves and musicals (anyone noticing the green theme?). * A green Reanna is *not* on my list of green things that I love. (I love Reanna just not the fact she is green). Thanks ladies for a lovely evening and to the wonderful Elisca for babysitting! Wicked was great and now I have two green flashing martini glasses :) * Reanna is still green :( .... and we spent the night on the couch with "Tinkerbell" on. Coincidental, but thematically appropriate. * And second year complete! Eight units to go!!!! * Quiet non-pizza Friday night with Gabby and David to start the weekend! * Now "we" are counting down the hours .... * Colouring in. Service and therapy all at the same time :) * The house is amazingly calm considering there are four girls between the ages of 8 and 12 of varying levels of (over) excitement getting ready! * And we are off .... layered .... glittered ... and Hannah Montana'd to the eyeballs!!!! * Think we can declare our first concert experience a success!!! A fabulous time was had by all. Only a few minor mishaps :)* Aimee made me a thank you card. Erin declared it the best night ever. Reanna danced the night away :) * I know baked beans are good for the vegetarian baby and luckily she loves them. However, I think they are super gross. Surely buying them earns me points in the good mother stakes? * I am contemplating kicking the washing machine, but in the spirit of being calm and serene I am refraining from actually doing it (plus I am sort of scared I will either break my toe or the washing machine).

And that is it. Another glimpse into our lives during the week that was. My camera is doing strange things so no picture this time. And I am too tired to waffle anymore .... so this is it for now!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Loving .... green stuff

Hello peoples. This is another link up from Paisley Jade. If you want to join in just click here or the button below!


I just couldn't help with the theme today! I saw "Wicked" last night and I am currently having a massive loving green things moment.

So ... today I am loving:

1. Musicals! Especially when going to them involves a great girls' night out with two of my good friends, one of my baby sisters, all you can eat scrummy buffet, to-die-for chocolate desserts, flashing green cocktail glasses and green slushy drinks! Yes that is all one thing ;)

2. Peppermint chocolate. My all time favourite.

3. Chicken twisties. I love them! During semester they are my once a week uni treat :)You need this!

4. Four leaf clovers. Or ones that might be a four leaf clover with one of the leaves missing (this kept Aimee amused for ages last week! She is absolutely convinced about this one). I am loving the idea of them, the optimism that one day I will find one and the lovely time Aimee had looking.

5. Green traffic lights. Have I mentioned I am impatient?

6. Freshly washed leaves. It all looks so fresh and clean after the rain!

7. V energy drinks. I know they are awful for me and I am really trying to give up ... but it has been a very busy week ....and I do love them (addiction counts right?) Although I am not sure about the fact they use cockroaches as part of their advertising.

8. The fabulous Miss Reanna. She gets a special mention because green is her favourite colour ... and she always gets the green stuff when she has an option!

What are you loving today?

PS I did have pictures all taken to go with this post! But now my camera does not seem to be working. So... my post about green things is minus colour. Ironic really!